Master Spiritual Life Coach and High Priestess of Transformation Crystal Lynn Bell invites you to

Book your 6-Figure Spiritual Life Coach Strategy Session

Discover how to become a 6-figure spiritual life coach and serve others with your intuitive gifts and hard-earned wisdom…

Master Spiritual Life Coach and High Priestess of Transformation Crystal Lynn Bell presents:

Book your Divine Business Planning Session

Honor your Divine purpose, shine and speak wisdom, and create lush experiences for your clients.

Book your

6-Figure Spiritual Life

Coach Strategy Session

with Crystal Lynn Bell.

Curious about serving others as a

6-Figure Spiritual Life Coach?

Want to discover a clear path to

get there?

Book a Divine Business Planning Session with Crystal Lynn Bell.

This session is for you

if you want to awaken in your power, honor your Soul, and become an empowered, deeply fulfilled leader... using your heart, intuition, and your good common sense.

You are a beautiful butterfly who has broken free from the cocoon of her old self, and you want to help others do the same.

You are in the right place if you…

Crave being your own boss, in charge of your time, income, and destiny.

Desire to earn over 6-figures a year so you can generously support your family and live your best life.

Want to use your past experience and your hard-earned wisdom to help others.

Are excited to learn powerful skills to create profound and lasting transformation for your clients.

Are inspired by a career that integrates with your dream lifestyle— freedom to travel, working from anywhere, surrounded by beauty and nature… An environment that reflects your soul.

Want a clear path to success with solid guidance and support along the way.

You feel called to be of service to a Higher Power. You were born for this.

Your Soul is calling you to become a spiritual life coach but you don’t know where to begin.

You’ve never done this before. 

You’re afraid of taking a risk in today’s economy. 

Even though your 9-5 job isn't so fulfilling, it still pays the bills and lets you and your family survive. 

You’re probably terrified of sacrificing and not seeing a return on your investment of hope, energy, time, and money. 

Maybe you’re scared shitless of failing.

And maybe, deep inside, you have some negative, limiting beliefs about your ability to be truly successful in your own business.

The great news is that with the right guidance, you can learn everything you need to make your dreams a reality.

Let's get started...

If you want to see which of my offerings is best for you, and you are ready to become a Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Entrepreneur, apply for a spot to meet with me. It's so easy, Precious One...

Unable to find calendar

Divine Woman,

Are you struggling to answer the Divine Call of your Soul?

Are you drowning under the weight of wanting to move forward as a spiritual entrepreneur, but are unsure of how to get started?

Do you find yourself constantly wishing that you could just jump into this work now?

You are a beautiful butterfly who has broken free from the cocoon of her old self. You have had a spiritual awakening and you are ready to be of service to the Divine. You have been given Divine magickal gifts, such as intuition, empathy, compassion, and even the power to heal.

And you have gone through some difficult things in your life and overcome them, giving you your unique brand of hard-earned wisdom. Your Soul is calling you to become a spiritual entrepreneur but understandably, you don’t know where to begin.

You’ve never done this before. It’s understandable that you might be afraid of taking a risk in today’s economy. Even though your 9-5 job isn't so fulfilling, it still pays the bills and lets you and your family survive.

So, you’re probably terrified of sacrificing and not seeing a return on your investment of hope, energy, time, and money. Maybe you're scared shitless of failing. And maybe, deep inside, you have some negative, limiting beliefs about your ability to be truly successful and Badass.

Let the Divine show you an easier way...

There’s an easier way... For me, it was scary to make the leap from employee to boss. But it was not nearly as difficult as I thought.

I quickly learned that with proper training and guidance, I could build my Divine Business my way– using both my Divine Feminine intuition and my Divine Masculine sense of logic, planning, structuring, and organizing.

As I embodied the Divine Feminine and let her guide me around the world expanding my being and my ideas, I employed the Divine Masculine to bring structure to the things I learned and to shape my Divine Business into a clear, methodical curriculum that is well-organized and effective at helping women like you give birth to their own Divine Enterprise.

It is time to break free from the cocoon of your old self, Badass Butterfly.


She helped me uncover my personal gift & niche client...

“We don't have to do it alone. It's not just about getting certified. It's about getting certified and setting up your business. And sometimes we do that, and we do circles, but this program goes step by step and leads you all the way to the finish line. And you don't have to do it alone.”


The masculine + the feminine approach was perfect...

"I felt like a newbie when I came to Crystal Lynn’s program. My attraction was to get my business up and running again but starting from scratch. I knew this was my calling, but my confidence, self-esteem, and clarity were lacking. The clarity that Crystal Lynn gave, and the very practical way that she takes you through were so appealing, as well as, the deep inner work. I chose the program because of Crystal Lynn’s energy, enthusiasm, groundedness, and realness. Her essence, really!

But also, the step-by-step, practical way that she took me through this journey felt grounding. Also, the practical, technical pieces felt really good! As well as, knowing where you were coming from. ... There was this firm Love. Crystal Lynn and the program consistently took a stand for what was my highest, and that was sometimes uncomfortable for me. But it was really supportive because there were times when I needed to slow down and take back my power from ego, the old stories, and fear. She helped me navigate that and take back my power."


I just can't believe I put this all together!

"Prior to entering Crystal Lynn’s certification program, I was a registered nurse. I had looked at several other programs for a year before deciding on hers. I loved everything she had to say about Spiritual Life Coaching and her philosophy. I felt a connection to her. I came to the program innocently thinking that I would coach.

I had no idea about niche clients and targeting who our program was for and then developing our curriculum around that. It’s important to coach to things you’ve experienced because you’re the expert in what happened to you... Because of our past experiences! Learning how to write and put it down to be welcomed by the public... and the technology. I was blown away! I built my own website! I can’t believe that I put all this together.

The skills I learned in this program are amazing! I now manage social media accounts, Facebook groups, publishing, and a website! There’s so much that I’ve learned! The other programs I looked into did not offer that kind of support. Building a spiritual life coaching business is a big process! Crystal Lynn offered hand-in-hand support to go through the process."


Your Soul is calling you to be of service to the Divine.

Your Soul is calling you to be of service to the Divine.

Why Work With Me?

Hereʼs what I want you to know about the level of my work and how

Iʼm unlike every other coach out there...


Is a seasoned spiritual veteran with over 30 years of experience as a professional energy worker, healer, coach, and spiritual entrepreneur.

Is an intuitive business maven who has built and run several multi-million dollar businesses and has the profound ability to unlock your inner Business-Building Maven. Rocks this work and has built a thriving private coaching practice full of clients who love her and pay her handsomely for her offerings.

Is a powerful messenger for the Divine, who has taken everything they have learned, documented it, systematized it, and generously shared it, creating an incredible learning system for aspiring female coaches. Is a spiritual nerd who believes in magic and has created a magickal framework designed to help you heal and transform yourself as you build your Divine Coaching Business.

Is a Badass Spiritual Warrior who is really good at loving and supporting you while holding you accountable to your Higher Self so that you live and work with integrity in your full power. Is an empath who has overcome personal trauma and hardship and come out the other side glowing and smelling like a rose.

Is an intermediary for the Divine Masculine and who brings clarity and groundedness to spiritual women who are powerfully connected to the Divine Feminine realm of creativity and ideas but who have trouble bringing their ideas into form. Is a spiritual geek who keeps herself up-to-date on what’s happening in the world of Spirit, business, and technology so she can support you wherever you want to go in your Divine Coaching Business.

Is a spiritual High Priestess who sees their clients through Divine Eyes, knowing their power, and is excellent at holding them to those high standards as they are given the training to reach their greatest potential.

Is a really great teacher who has the ability to see what’s really going on with their students, even below their conscious questions so that the core issue is addressed.

Crystal Lynn Bell is a highly respected High Priestess who specializes in empowering spiritual women to recognize and claim their Divine Inheritance of power, freedom, and wealth. Her unique approach draws from her strong embodiment of Artemis energy, which is dedicated to advocating for women’s advancement through spirituality, entrepreneurship, and travel. With her exceptional skills as a guide and mentor, Crystal Lynn helps her students and clients focus and ground their energies, leading them towards their true potential.

As a certified Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Shiatsu Level 3 Practitioner, Reiki Master, Completion Practice Practitioner, and Spiritual Life Coach, Crystal Lynn began her professional spiritual journey in 1992, when she delved into the occult and began reading tarot cards. She later founded Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio in 2008, but in 2013, sold the business to follow her heart and travel the world, much like Santiago in Paolo Coehlo’s "The Alchemist." This decision was a transformative experience that allowed Crystal Lynn to evolve from a caterpillar into a Badass Butterfly. During her travels, she lived in Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Nepal, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Canada, and the USA, before settling in Paris, France, with her loyal companion, Apollo, whom she found on vacation in Greece.

Crystal Lynn is passionate about helping new and aspiring spiritual life coaches awaken their Divine Coaching Personas and launch their Divine Coaching Businesses. She works tirelessly with her students, assisting them in shifting their mindsets from employee mentality to the entrepreneurial mindset, developing emotional resilience, and providing them with the necessary knowledge and tools to build their businesses. As founder and CEO of Everyday Zen, LLC and Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching, she has also created a powerful coaching certification and business mentorship program for women known as The Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Coach.

Overall, Crystal Lynn Bell's spiritual insights and business acumen have made her an invaluable asset to women seeking empowerment and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

My dream was to be running my global coaching business from my cozy home in Paris, France with a view of the Eiffel Tower. And that’s where I am today...

I started out not knowing what to do or even where to begin. 

I had to learn how to be a coach, a business owner, and a servant of the Divine. 

I had to take two scary risks.  The first was the giant leap from employee to boss. I had to learn how to build my business and how to run it. 

The other risk was much more significant— I had to risk that God had my back and that I could trust my heart and intuition.

I quickly learned that with proper training and guidance, I could build my 6-figure spiritual coaching business with integrity– using both my intuition and my material sense of logic, planning, structuring, and organizing. It was this powerful combination of the spiritual and the material that has become the solid cornerstone of all my success. 

Because of my willingness to learn (and trust!), I am a Six-Figure Spiritual Life Coach living my dream life in Paris. I am surrounded by lush beauty, lavish abundance, and profound spirituality… 

I have served over 10,000 people in seven countries. My Divine Job is to help women like you heal, transform their lives, and build their own 6-figure coaching businesses.

This is what I joyfully share with the students I teach, coach, and mentor.

Happily, I get to save you countless hours of wasted time anxiously fretting about what to do and how to do it, and trying to figure it out yourself. 

I’ll save you 10’s of thousands of dollars by sharing with you my proven method to build your very own, unique 6-Figure Spiritual Life Coaching Business so you can live your dream life— working for yourself in an environment you love, sharing your hard-earned wisdom, and serving the Divine.


She was also able to help me turn my career around 360 degrees...

“Crystal not only helped me to figure out my business initiatives, because she has this strong business acumen,but she helped me develop my goals as an entrepreneur as a business woman.

Her focus is to make her clients, heart-centered entrepreneurs–where you bring your passion, and your whole self into the work and the output that you want to create... She was also able to help me turn my career around 360 degrees.

Honestly, I don't even recognize myself from a year ago! The concerns I had then are certainly not concerns anymore. They were monsters, and I conquered all of those demons or monsters at this point.”


This program goes step by step...

“We don't have to do it alone. It's not just about getting certified. It's about getting certified and setting up your business. And sometimes we do that, and we do circles, but this program goes step by step and leads you all the way to the finish line. And you don't have to do it alone.”


She helped me uncover my personal gift & niche client...

“We don't have to do it alone. It's not just about getting certified. It's about getting certified and setting up your business. And sometimes we do that, and we do circles, but this program goes step by step and leads you all the way to the finish line. And you don't have to do it alone.”


The masculine + the feminine approach was perfect...

"I felt like a newbie when I came to Crystal Lynn’s program. My attraction was to get my business up and running again but starting from scratch. I knew this was my calling, but my confidence, self-esteem, and clarity were lacking. The clarity that Crystal Lynn gave, and the very practical way that she takes you through were so appealing, as well as, the deep inner work. I chose the program because of Crystal Lynn’s energy, enthusiasm, groundedness, and realness. Her essence, really!

But also, the step-by-step, practical way that she took me through this journey felt grounding. Also, the practical, technical pieces felt really good! As well as, knowing where you were coming from. ... There was this firm Love. Crystal Lynn and the program consistently took a stand for what was my highest, and that was sometimes uncomfortable for me. But it was really supportive because there were times when I needed to slow down and take back my power from ego, the old stories, and fear. She helped me navigate that and take back my power."


I just can't believe I put this all together!

"Prior to entering Crystal Lynn’s certification program, I was a registered nurse. I had looked at several other programs for a year before deciding on hers. I loved everything she had to say about Spiritual Life Coaching and her philosophy. I felt a connection to her. I came to the program innocently thinking that I would coach.

I had no idea about niche clients and targeting who our program was for and then developing our curriculum around that. It’s important to coach to things you’ve experienced because you’re the expert in what happened to you... Because of our past experiences! Learning how to write and put it down to be welcomed by the public... and the technology. I was blown away! I built my own website! I can’t believe that I put all this together.

The skills I learned in this program are amazing! I now manage social media accounts, Facebook groups, publishing, and a website! There’s so much that I’ve learned! The other programs I looked into did not offer that kind of support. Building a spiritual life coaching business is a big process! Crystal Lynn offered hand-in-hand support to go through the process."


Ready to learn more?

I want to invite you to get started with a 6-Figure Spiritual Life Coach Strategy Session with me. 

This is your first step in becoming a spiritual life coach with a sustainable 6-figure business…

Your 6-Figure Spiritual Life Coach Strategy Session is a private 1:1 call with me where we will explore your vision for what you want your life to look like, get clear on what’s holding your back, and I’ll share my professional recommendations for how you can get there as quickly as possible. 

These sessions are valued at $497. I’m offering just a few complimentary sessions, because my time is limited, and that's why you must apply. If your application is accepted (and I hope it is) I will confirm your 6-Figure Spiritual Life Coach Strategy Session.

During our session, we will: 

➻ Uncover your personal sneaky mental money blockages that would sabotage your financial success in your business.

➻ Discover the power of your own story and how your hard-earned wisdom can be used to help others.

➻ Gain the crystal clear clarity you need to be confident in your decision to become a 6-figure spiritual life coach.

➻ Strategize your coaching business vision.

Your soul and the Divine are calling you to make an important decision. You can feel it in bones. The universe is waiting to send you the people who need your help. They are waiting for you.

Indecision is a step away from success and closer to failure.  

Apply now because I can only offer a handful of these powerful sessions and my calendar fills up quickly.

Crystal Lynn Bell is a spiritual life coach and business mentor, celebrated for her ability to help aspiring spiritual life coaches build six-figure businesses. With over a decade of experience, Crystal Lynn has transformed countless lives through her unique blend of spiritual insight and practical business strategies.

As the founder of the Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio, Crystal demonstrated her entrepreneurial prowess by building a thriving wellness center that served thousands annually. She later channeled this expertise into creating a six-figure spiritual life coaching practice (Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching,) using a combination of traditional coaching techniques and esoteric tools such as astrology, energy healing, and shadow work to guide clients to their highest potential.

Now based in Paris, Crystal Lynn dedicates her time to mentoring new and aspiring spiritual life coaches, providing them with the knowledge and support necessary to succeed in this fulfilling work. Her proven track record and deep commitment to her clients' growth make her a trusted authority and leader in the field.

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